Insult to every Candadian notably the mcjobbers!



The pensions received by prisonners are as bad as the double and triple dipping by ministers and other government employees who were laid off or let go with  a pension and then re-hired as consultants at the same job or another in another department. Or get a hefty salary and moonlight while others suffer and die for lack of the basic needs for survival.

I. like many others worked all of our lives and will be lucky to bring in $1,000 per month when we retire. Who do we blame, the Government we elect? No as that is how we/it have evolved.

The system is fucked up. We all know it. We need to seriously think of re-calibrating/equalizing all forms of wealth, ownership, entitlements, and pensions both private and Government. That is the only way to end crime, wars, and ensure our species (and others) survival.


Olson’s pension threat insults victims: minister – News – MSN CA
Serial killer Clifford Olson’s threat to fight to keep his old age pension is deeply insulting to his victims and their families, says Canada’s human resources minister.

About epqanna, epqannaman, KingGDerome

A person who sees, cares, has, doable attainable, plans ideas Visions of a better world for all life. Global person ignored by the in power wealthy spoiled arrogant and at times ignorant and very controlling. Hiding behind their evolved words and ways. Words are mightier then the sword, only and if, they are echoed!
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